Host Resources

Welcome to the Big Latch On resource hub.
Download these free resources to help promote your event!

We have a range of resources available for hosts to use to promote their event, including posters in multiple languages, a Facebook cover photo, Brelfie poster and Brelfie illustrations. Click on the images below to open them as files to be downloaded. Please note there are both PDF and PNG files available.

PDF files are great for printing as they are a bigger file size; or add the details of your event to the file and share it electronically.

PNG files are best for social media.

English/ Te Reo Māori poster
Full Te Reo Māori poster

Official Event Resources

Photo Resources (in conjunction with BreastfeedingNZ)

Participant Registration form (optional)

You are not required to fill out the Participant Registration forms at your event this year. However, if you wish to use this form to collect contact details, or to seek permission to use photos taken at your event, you are welcome to use this form. Please count the number of attendees at your event (inlcude all infants, parents and supporters) and submit your event count within 24 hours of your event. Please login to My Account and click the ‘submit event count’ button.

Participant Registration form (PDF)

Participant Registration form (word document)

Images for use on Facebook

Facebook Banner/Event Cover Photo

Other useful resources

Colouring Pictures: animals feeding their young

Participation Certificate BLO 2024 (png) – certificate for event attendees (optional)

Participation Certificate BLO 2024 (PDF)


We have designed a poster to promote the taking of “Brelfies” AKA a breastfeeding selfie. Below is a Breflie poster you can download to share on your social media. We have also created a series of illustrations that can be used by people who want to participate in the #Brelfie campaign, but who might not feel comfortable posting a picture of their own feeding journey. Click on the images to download them.

Brelfie poster 2024

Brelfie illustrations

Brelfie 1
Brelfie 2
Brelfie 3
Brelfie 4
Brelfie 5
Brelfie 6
Brelfie 7
Brelfie 8
Brelfie 9
Brelfie 10