About Us
Who are Women’s Health Action?
Women’s Health Action (WHA) is a charitable trust in its 40th year of operation.
Formerly Fertility Action, WHA was founded in 1984 by women’s health activists Phillida Bunkle and Sandra Coney.
Fertility Action had its beginnings in reproductive health and rights and came to national prominence with our key role in exposing the ‘Unfortunate Experiment’ at National Women’s Hospital which resulted in the landmark Cartwright Inquiry and subsequent ‘Cartwright Report’ in 1987/1988. Our team work with consumers (service users), whānau, hapū, iwi, health professionals and other agencies/providers (including Ministries and DHBs) across the health, social development, education, and justice systems/sectors.
We aim to reduce inequalities, draw attention to the social determinants of health and take an assets-based approach to health promotion and disease prevention. We have special interests in maternal and child health (including breastfeeding); body image(including weight and size-based discrimination); sexual and reproductive justice; and screening. We approach health within a holistic framework of the whole of women’s lives recognising Taha tinana, Taha wairua, Taha whānau, and Taha hinengaro.

Our funders
Women’s Health Action is a registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC21581).
Women’s Health Action has been contracting to the Ministry of Health for over a decade and gratefully acknowledges funding from the Ministry of Health in support of this website.
In addition to the Ministry of Health we are supported by grants/donations from philanthropic organisations and some private donations.
Special thanks to…
Foundation North and Lottery Community for their ongoing support.