In Person

Big Latch On 2023 – Whanaungatanga: growing community connections through shared experiences

La Leche League Taranaki

Friday 14th April, 10 am till 11 am

Whanaungatanga – a relationship through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging (Te Aka, 2023).
Come join us at the beautiful parenting hub, Flourish, for an event to celebrate breastfeeding/lactation in all its’ varies forms and help grow peer-to-peer support in our region. A special invite to all hapūtanga whānau (pregnant families) of the region, to grow your community support connections. Sharing the experiences of members of our community that have traveled the journey of breast/chestfeeding is a wonderful way to learn about nourishing our pēpi and grow our support community relationships.
Morning tea is provided, all children welcome and spot prizes!

Host information

Host: Ganesha Rosat

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 027 758 3076

Host information

Hosted By: Ganesha

Address: 1 Rogan Street, New Plymouth Central, New Plymouth, New Zealand

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 027 758 3076

Register for the event:

Registering to attend an event is optional. It helps to give hosts an idea of the number of attendees and the host may get in touch about the event.