This page is a work in progress.
There are a range of breastfeeding services working across the country to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. This page aims to highlight the wonderful breastfeeding mahi happening across Aoetearoa New Zealand.
Cherie Roberts, IBCLC
Cherie is a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). She works around the Pukekohe and Franklin areas. Cherie does private consults and can come into your home to do an assessment. She is able to provide information and support from pregnancy through to weaning and to help you meet and achieve your breastfeeding goals.
Toi Te Ora
Bay of Plenty
Toi Te Ora is the public the public health unit for the Bay of Plenty and Lakes District Health Board. They are responsible for a number of initiatives to normalise breastfeeding, and also facilitate the Healthy Pregnancies Education Day for midwives, LMCs and community-based health professionals.
If you would like your breastfeeding service to be featured here, contact us: [email protected]