During the Covid-19 pandemic Women’s Health Action are releasing a series of interviews addressing
common concerns and questions related to Covid-19. Find all of our Covid-19 related information here. 

Useful links

Covid-19.Govt »Government’s Covid-19 reponse website.

Women’s Health Action Facebook » Follow us on Facebook to get notified about new DIGI updates. 


COVID-19 – Breastfeeding advice » Advice from the Ministry of Health.

Breastfed NZ » Free breastfeeding app. 

LLLNZ »  La Leche League’s New Zealand based website. 

LLLNZ Facebook » La Leche League’s Facebook page. Helpful, up-to-date information. 

Lactation Lockdown » A Facebook group ran by IBCLC Lactation Consultants to help support breastfeeding Mama and their babies.

Obstetric Care

RANZCOG Statement » Royal Australian & NZ College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Covid-19 statement.

Older People

Advice for Older People » Advice from the Ministry of Health

Age Concern » Age Concern’s contact page. You can get in touch for help with your concerns

SVA » The Student Volunteer Army is available to help people in need