This week the Abortion Legislation Committee released their report on the Abortion Legislation Bill. This report includes the Committee’s recommendations for the new abortion law.
What are the key changes recommended by the Abortion Legislation Committee?
- People who are less than 20 weeks pregnant will be able to self-refer to an abortion service and are no longer required to meet with two certifying consultants (doctors appointed by the Abortion Supervisory Committee).
- People who are over 20 weeks pregnant will still need to meet with certifying consultants.
- Health practitioners are still able to conscientiously object to providing abortion or emergency contraception services. Pharmacists may conscientiously object to providing emergency contraceptive care to sexual assault survivors as the report does not classify this circumstance as a ‘medical emergency’.
- Sex selective abortions will be reported by the Director-General every five years.
- The Minister of Health will ensure reproductive health services are available throughout New Zealand.
Women’s Health Action presented an oral submission to the Select Committee in October 2019.
To view our submission go to this link, at start the video at 51.07.
You can view more information about abortion in New Zealand here.