This year the Big Latch On 2020 is going virtual!
Usually we would meet up in person and have some yummy kai, lots of laughs, some prizes, breastfeeding, and time to chat and meet new friends.
This year we will meet up on Zoom, still breastfeed, still have prizes and hopefully meet new friends and catch up with old ones too.
At around 10.30am we will count all the breastfeeding that is happening. It’s a latch on, so a child’s mouth around a breastfeeding persons’ nipple counts. If you are breastfeeding more than one child- tandem feeding, twins, triplets! That’s 2 or 3 latches!!!
We will count the number of children breastfeeding at the same time (the latch count), how many breastfeeding women are online and the total number of people who come out to show their support, so bring as many friends and family members as you can.
We recognise that everyone’s breastfeeding journey looks different and we want the Big Latch On to be as fun and inclusive as possible, while still reaching our aims of positively supporting breastfeeding in public and making it a normal part of day to day life.
You can be included in the latch count by latching a child or children; using a supplemental nursing system or nipple shield; expressing milk (hand or pump) or by feeding your child breast milk via an alternative method.
We are looking forward to seeing you on the 31st of July for our first ever virtual Big Latch On.