Combination Feeding
Lucy answers questions about combination feeding, including techniques for bottle feeding, addressing feelings of guilt around needing to top up with formula and triple feeding.

Informed is Best – Kendall’s Experience
Kendall Green discusses her breastfeeding journey, setting up an informal milk bank, and the importance of supporting true informed decision making.

The Unsettled Baby
Shel answers questions on topics including wonky winding, reflux, managing colicky symptoms, and allergies.

A Breastfeeding Journey – Miriam’s Experience
Miriam discusses her beautiful and diverse feeding journeys , including overcoming a breast abscess which required surgery while breastfeeding, and breastfeeding while travelling in Asia.

Supporting Parents Through Research
Professor Amy Brown is based in the Department of Public Health, Policy and Social Sciences at Swansea University in the UK where she directs the new research centre ‘LIFT’ : Lactation, Infant Feeding and Translation.

A Breastfeeding Journey – Marie’s Experience
Marie discusses her dynamic breastfeeding journey, including trying everything to increase supply with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Establishing Breastfeeding: The Early Days and Weeks
In this video a group of La Leche League leaders and members walk us through a typical session, with a particular focus on establishing breastfeeding in the early days and weeks.

About Breastfeeding Peer Support
In this video Kelly, a breastfeeding peer support coordinator, chats with women who are currently working in their communities as breastfeeding peer support counsellors.

The Early Days of Breastfeeding – Lizzie’s Experience
Lizzie shares her experiences of breastfeeding in the early days, and the ways in which she has been able to make breastfeeding an achievable and enjoyable experience, including mixed feeding.

Welcome to your breasts
In this Video Emma shares what she wishes she was told about her breasts when she was a young girl. Emma explains the functions of breasts and discusses how they change throughout the lifetime, including during puberty and pregnancy.

Welcome to World Breastfeeding Week 2020!
Kia ora everyone! Over the next week we’ll be chatting to local māmās about their breastfeeding journeys, as well as national and international infant feeding experts.